Most people don’t brush their dog’s teeth. Why? Because most dogs don’t like it all that much. Start small and see if you can train them using treats or bits of their food to let you brush a little more. It’s the habit that is important, not if you do it perfectly every time. How…

Whether or not your cat will be an indoor or outdoor cat is a very controversial issue. There are several considerations that you should weigh when thinking about this. Knowing the implications of your choices is helpful when thinking about the health of your pet long term. Indoor cats, on average, live much longer and…

Internal Parasites Heartworm This is a parasite that lives in the bloodstream and heart. It is transmitted by mosquitoes and is eventually fatal if untreated. If your pet catches this, the treatment is frequently successful but uncomfortable for the pet and fairly expensive. Good news! Heartworm disease is EASILY preventable by giving your pet medication…

Sometimes your cat has been living with a chronic disease for a long time. Other times, a diagnosis or change seem to come suddenly from out of the blue. Cats are very tricky about letting their people know they are struggling. Although they can live long lives of greater than 20 years, most do not…