We all love going outdoors with our dogs. It could be walking around the block, taking them to the beach, or going camping or hiking.
Whatever the case, it’s always a great experience when you spend the day outdoors with your fur babies.
However, there are still dangers of taking them outdoors. This includes the possibility of getting poison ivy. Poison ivy is dangerous and painful to us humans, but have you ever wondered about the effects it has for our beloved dogs?
Poison ivy sounds very dangerous because of its name. However, it is generally considered only mildly toxic. When our fur babies get exposed to poison ivy, either by dermal or oral exposure, it can produce different results.
For instance, it can cause dermatitis or even gastrointestinal irritation. Additionally, the clear liquid that is found within the sap of a poison ivy called the urushiol can cause an intense, itchy rash.
Yes, this means that our dogs can get poison ivy.
But fortunately, it is not nearly as common as it is for humans. Because of their beautiful, long and protective coat, the oils from poison ivy can’t reach our dog’s skin.
The downside is that these oils can be spread from your dog’s coat to your skin. You still need to take caution when you’re hiking through a place with poison ivy. You also need to avoid petting your dog immediately after they were in contact with the plant. It’s difficult to resist petting our pets, we understand, but take this time to get a towel from your backpack and a glove so you can wipe off the oils.
For those who have short-haired dogs, the risk of contact with poison ivy is higher. When your dog gets the oils on her skin, try bathing them in a colloidal oatmeal shampoo. Symptoms of poison ivy can include skin reddening, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, swelling and itching of the skin, fluid filled vesicles and scab on the skin.