We already know that carrots are incredibly healthy for us humans. They provide plenty of health benefits not just for our eyes, but for our skin and overall health as well. But what good does it do for dogs? Are carrots even safe for dogs to eat? Well, let’s find out, shall we?! First of…

It is no secret that chocolate is poisonous for our dogs. Chocolate has caused countless dog poisoning and other health issues for our beloved fur babies. As pet owners, this is something we want to avoid at all costs. But have you ever stopped and asked yourself, why exactly is chocolate bad for dogs? What…

Who doesn’t love turkey every now and then? Whether it’s on a sandwich, in a salad, or drowning in gravy on Thanksgiving! But as many humans enjoy turkey, can dogs eat turkey? Get the answer below so you know how to keep your doggo safe. Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Yes, they can! Turkey is not…

It’s said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what about your dogs? Will an apple a day keep the veterinarian away?? Are Apples Good for Dogs? Yes, absolutely! Dogs can eat apples. And not only can they munch on this delightful fruit, but it also provides them with great health benefits.…

Essential oil diffusers have gained massive popularity recently. And while they are fine for humans, they may not be so good for our pets. Especially cats. What Are Essential Oil Diffusers? If you’re not familiar with them, diffusers contain essential oils which are supposed to help with different health issues such as colds, sinus congestion,…

You probably already know the answer to the question “can dog eat chocolate”? By now, it’s pretty much common knowledge that chocolate is harmful to our dog’s health. In fact, these delightful treats are not-so-delightful for our furry little friends… and can even be poisonous. This is why we highly recommend keeping chocolates away from…