If you feel it may be time to have your pet put to sleep there are several logistical things to consider.

Do you want to be present when your pet passes? Who else will be there? Do you want to have this procedure done in your home or in your vet’s office?

Will you want your pet cremated? Do you want the ashes returned to you? Are there other options that you would like to consider?

Whatever you decide, think through the logistics a little or talk through them with your vet.

There is frequently a fee associated with having a vet come to your house to perform a euthanasia and not all vets are able to take time away from their other patients to do house calls.

Scheduling a mutually agreed upon time may be challenging, so think through other options if your original vision is not possible. Getting the ashes back may have a fee associated with it.

If your pet is very large, there may be some challenges about transportation and you may have to get a friend to help.

Sometimes the loss of a pet carries more weight than our society easily accepts. If you are struggling with the decision about euthanasia, or with the loss of a pet more than you were anticipating there are numerous organizations built to help.

Discussing end of life with children can also be challenging and you may want to seek out advice in this area as well. The Argus Institute at Colorado State University has some great resources that you can find online.

Your veterinarian may have some advice more locally as well. There are all sorts of ranges of what is normal as each relationship is unique.

There are books for children that are helpful but may depend on your belief system if they are appropriate.

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