Watermelon is a delicious fruit. It is a common fruit loved by many, particularly in the summer months when it’s in season.
It’s hard to find a better snack on a hot summer day that a watermelon with its sweet and watery flavor and texture. And they just don’t taste good. Watermelons are also happen to offer us some good nutritional value as well.
You know who also has their eyes on watermelon? Our dogs. So what happens if they get a hold of a piece?
Overall, watermelons are safe for dogs. With some precautions, however, like keeping the seeds away from dogs.
Although the fruit is safe for dogs, what about its rind?
In fact, a lot of people have the question, “Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind?” In this article you’ll find out whether watermelon rind is safe for dogs or not. You’ll also learn about whether this food has healthy benefits or if it has harmful effects for our dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rind?
The short answer is no. Dogs must absolutely not eat watermelon rind. Watermelon rind is an unsafe food for dogs.
There are many types of fruits that are not good for dogs such as grapes, apricots, avocados, and watermelon rind is one of them.
Watermelon rind is a bad food for our furry pooches. Although it is not considered to be a toxic food for our dogs, you must never feed your dog the rind of a watermelon.
Precautions of Dogs Eating Watermelon Rinds
Rinds of watermelon rind are hard to digest. Feeding them the rinds can cause obstruction in the stomach.
The seeds of watermelon are also not toxic for dogs. However, the seeds of watermelon can cause an obstruction in the stomach similar to its rinds.
Although a few watermelon seeds would not harm a dog immediately, especially large dogs, it is still best to remove them. A few watermelon seeds are, however, fairly harmful for smaller dogs.
But it’s not all bad news. Even though watermelon rinds are a big no-no for our furry little friends, watermelon is still a great food for them. Watermelon contains a number of benefits for dogs.
Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs
Watermelon is very rich in certain minerals and vitamins. Watermelons are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Fiber, and Potassium.
Watermelons are rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A can help prevent medical conditions caused by irregular blood sugar levels.
Vitamin B6 is good for supporting amino acid metabolism as well as reinforcing bladder health. It also maintains a variety of functions for dogs. Vitamin B6 can improve the nerve function of dogs.
Watermelon rinds are rich in Vitamin C, as we have previously mentioned. Vitamin C is great for strengthening a dog’s immune system as well as their bones.
Additionally, watermelon rinds also contain a good amount of potassium. Potassium can keep your dog’s bones strong and healthy.
This fruit is a great source of fiber. Fiber helps in solving a dog’s digestive problems. Foods rich in fiber such as watermelon rind can help against bowel movement problems.
So, if your watermelon falls on the floor and your dog cleanup committee comes over, just be sure that your fruit is rindless before letting them consume it!
Learn More About What Human Foods Are Healthy or Harmful for Dogs
This article is part of our special series of articles about “What Human Foods Can Dogs Eat?”
The next articles is about a complicated fruit. Read about it in Can dogs eat pomegranate?