When it comes to our favorite foods, it’s hard to beat the tasty goodness and versatility of cheese. In fondue, on a pizza, topping off a salad, or even just plain… we love it any which way! But how about dogs? Can dogs eat choose and enjoy this tasty type of food as much as…

As dog owners, we want to make sure our beloved pooches live out their lives as happy as can be. But exactly how long can that be? How Long Do Dogs Live? Thinking about the time we have with our dogs is why one of the most common questions people want to know about is…

Dogs love the smell of shrimp – especially when it’s cooking. In fact, dogs love just about anything they see us eat. Fortunately, there are some human foods we can share with our pets – like shrimp. Can Dogs Eat Shrimp? Yes, our dogs can eat shrimp – so long as it is steamed. Shrimp…

Almonds are a great snack for us humans. Not only are they consistently addictive to munch on, they also provide great health benefits for us. But can dogs eat almonds? Are they a safe food to feed to our dogs? Let’s answer that question here… Can Dogs Eat Almonds? Almonds are not toxic to dogs.…

Every once in a while, we hear our dogs howl. For some dog owners, a dog howling can be a little bit strange – conjuring up images of wolves or coyotes. For others, they may think it’s totally normal. It really just depends on what type of breed your dog is. So why do dogs…

Pineapples are such a sweet treat. They go well with a nice, healthy breakfast, in a stir fry, on top of a pizza and as a sweet dessert at the end of a fulfilling dinner. But what about for your furry little friends? Can dogs eat pineapple too? Let’s look at the answer below so…

Peanuts are one of the most common allergens in the world (and, having a kiddo with a peanut allergy, I know this to be true!). So it is completely normal for you to wonder whether dogs can eat peanuts safely or not. So in this article we answer the question “can dogs eat peanuts?” If…