Butternut squash is a vegetable that looks kind of like a distorted pumpkin. Despite its looks, butternut squash is as healthy and delicious as other vegetables. It is a sweet vegetable and a perfect ingredient for certain meals, especially those filled with vegetables. Or, you can also mash it up and make a puree… the…

As a dog owner, it is inevitable that your pet will, at some point, consume your fallen food scraps. While most situations are not serious, it is important to know what the red flag foods are, so that you can best protect their health. What would happen if your dog ate a banana peel? Can…

We love our pepperoni and eat a lot of it. We put it on our pizzas. And we put it on our, well, pretty much we just put it on our pizzas. And as we’re gobbling down slices from our favorite local pizza joint, it’s a good bet that our dogs will take an interest.…

Pancakes. We can’t get enough of them! While usually a breakfast food, who among us has not had pancakes for lunch and/or dinner, too?! Let’s see those hands up 🙂 We love big fluffy pancakes. Little silver dollar ones. Some love them thin like crepes. And we put blueberries in them. Or bananas. Or chocolate…

Without a doubt, mashed potatoes are a household staple all over the country. They are a highly popular food choice that many of us humans eat on a regular basis. However, can our furry friends eat mashed potatoes, too? Could mashed potatoes be healthy and beneficial to them? Or are they bad for them and…

Olives are an underrated food, in my opinion. They’re tasty and pack a lot of healthy goodness in a small package.  At least for humans. But what about dogs? Are olives safe for dogs? As you probably know, we have to be careful about what “human” foods we feed our dogs (or let our dogs…

Eating crab is a treat for many of us humans. We love our soft shell crabs, Blue Crab, Snow Crab, Dungeness Crab, Stone Crabs and more.  But what if our doggo wants in on the action? Is it safe to feed your dog crab meat? That’s the question we’re going to look at below. Can…

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