It’s no surprise to dog owners to hear that dogs are good for your health and wellbeing. What may be surprising is some of the many ways research shows that dogs can help us lead healthier, happier lives. 1. How Petting a Dog is Like a Drug For Your Brain Well, kind of. Research shows…

We answered a similar question for dogs the other day, so let’s do it for cats. The question is “how often do cats go into heat?” Female cats will have their first heat or estrus cycle when they have reached sexual maturity or puberty. Most female cats on average will reach puberty at approximately 5…

A lot of people wonder “How often do dogs go into heat?” Let’s explore this question a little deeper shall we? The term in heat or in season refers to a dog that has reached puberty and is at the stage of their reproductive cycle where they may become pregnant. This cycle is known as…