First things first, can dogs eat yogurt? The short answer is yes the can. However, just because they can eat yogurt doesn’t necessarily mean that they should. The better question is whether or not they should be eating yogurt or not. While yogurt is not toxic to dogs, it does contain some ingredients that might…

Have you ever wondered how many teeth does your dogs have? First, did you know that puppies and adult dogs don’t have the same number of teeth? It’s true! We humans pretty much have the same number of teeth as adults as we did when we were kids (other than maybe some extra molars and,…

We have all seen our dogs “watching” TV at least once. Some dogs seem to like watching the TV all day and appear to be genuinely engaged in what’s happening on the screen. For others, it seems like they’re just fascinated by certain images, sounds and videos. This is especially true when there is an…

There is an abundance of corn all over the world. This is one of the main reasons why you can find corn in almost every household (in one form or another). Some even have corn plants and corn farms nearby. But what form the corn is in matters. So let’s look at whether dogs can…

What’s better than the smell of fresh-baked bread straight out of the oven? Well, whether it’s fresh-baked or store-bought, pretty much every home has bread. And who doesn’t love bread in one form or another, right?! Even our dogs love it! But the more important question is, can dogs eat bread? Is this human food…

How often do you give your cats a bath? Not too often, dare we say? And you are not alone! Bath time for cats is a VERY rare occurrence in most cat households and we can’t blame any cat parent for that! Cats tend to run away or hide at the mere mention of the…

Raspberries are great fruit snacks. You can eat them as is while you’re catching up on some light reading or watching Netflix at home. It’s also a versatile fruit that you can add to desserts such as pies and ice cream. However, is it safe to give to your dogs? Can Dogs Eat Raspberries? Well,…