Like most humans, dogs love meat. So it should really be no surprise if your dog begs to have a piece of whatever meat you’re eating. And, quite often that may be pork. Most dog owners do not think twice before giving their dogs pork. After all, packed dog foods contain different kinds of meat…

If you are looking for a cheap and healthy addition to your dog’s diet, eggs can be a great choice.? Dogs can benefit a lot from eating eggs as part of their regular diet. Eggs actually provide good nutritional value for dogs. And, generally, eggs will not cause any health problems for dogs as long…

Peaches are fresh and juicy treats that are perfect for any season. You can add it to your dessert or eat as a snack. But have you ever wondered if you can give this delightful fruit to your beloved dogs? Can Dogs Eat Peaches? Well, the answer that question is yes, with some caveats, of…

If it were up to them, our beloved pet dogs would eat just about anything. From their packaged dog food to regular human food to even their own poop… dogs seem delighted to make a meal of anything. One “human food” some dogs love to eat is fish. While eating fish is generally associated with…

Here’s a good bet you can win: if you place any food in front of a dog, he will eat it. As a pet owner, you probably already know that. After all, dogs eat a lot of things including stones, toys, and grass without our knowledge sometimes. They are sneaky that way. So what happens…

When it comes to mushrooms, it’s a food that even many people don’t like to eat (guilty as charged!). But some dogs, if given the chance would pop down a mushroom or two. But is this safe for them? Can dogs eat mushrooms? Let’s take a look so you have the facts when it comes…

A lot of people want to know the answer to the question “can dogs eat mango?” In fact, tens of thousands of people each month want to know the answer to that question! So let’s take a look at if mangoes are safe for dogs to eat. Mangoes are such delightful treats for us humans.…